Here’s a little weekly update from SCAR…(Second Chance Animal Rescue)…
We are working closely with the Dementia Cafe on all things animal. The DC talked previously about animals and therapy in dementia care and I mentioned how we can help the DC re-home a pig at the cafe grounds when the time comes.
I am here with Samson (pictured). His story: Samson’s mum came to the rescue & we were told she wouldn’t be pregnant.. turns out she was and Samson was born last week. His mum immediately rejected him (mares commonly do this due mainly to stress, and since she has had upheaval etc that’s likely why she rejected him). She actually tried to kill him by stamping on him. Samson therefore did not get the colostrum newborns need in order to get antibodies. So he had an emergency plasma transfusion (the shaved part on his neck is from this) and he is now being hand reared at the SCAR sanctuary.
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