At SCAR we are working closely with the DC. We often take some of our animal friends out for the day to community events. The animals get a lot out of it, as they really enjoy all the attention that gets lavished upon them! And we have found the experience is greatly enjoyable for the humans involved too.
Some of the events we attend include school visits, girl guide/boy scout events, and trips to care homes for the elderly. Some of the children and adults that we visit have conditions that prevent them from socialising or fitting in with other humans, leading to loneliness and general sadness. However, when the animals come to town, in all their non-judgemental innocence, it is a joyous occasion for all.
Animal therapy, and its benefits, has already been touched upon on the DC blog, and here at SCAR we regularly see just how true it is that animals can really change the lives of us humans. And for dementia sufferers, who are already at risk of isolation and loneliness, it seems that animal therapy could be an invaluable tool to be utilised.
And, according to the experts, “Even people with Alzheimer’s recognize a dog and they see that the dog is someone new in their environment. I think they see it as someone with whom they can interact without any worry,”
Animals truly are the best, don’t you agree?
1 Comment
Yes, animals are the best! I love animals so much. I grew up taking care of my grandparents’ barn animals during the holidays. My parents would usually take me there to unwind and relax, away from the city life. My grandfather used to pet a hen on his lap. I will never forget those times, those lovely animals, and my animal loving grandparents.