Dementia can be tough for anyone to go through, but it doesn’t mean giving up on your personal appearance or wellness! If you put your night eye cream on more than once and reapply it, it’s only making you more radiant!
First of all, simple daily things affect how our brain ages and how well we retain information. Some of these things being our nutrition, inflammation, environmental toxins, exercise, stress, and vitamin deficiencies.
Wellness: Make sure to eat a balanced diet full of nutrition. Balance your blood sugar with whole foods and a low glycemic diet. Take a multivitamin, a B complex vitamin and an omega 3 fat supplement. Movement and exercise are essential as well so be sure to stay active, even if it’s just a walk around town. Exercise can help improve and prevent dementia.
Skin Care/Makeup: Most people with dementia have aging skin (as do we all). I cannot stress enough that protecting and taking care of your skin can significantly improve your well-being. I mean, it’s the only skin we have, right? For both men and women I would suggest using a night time face cream before bed along with a night time eye cream. These work while you sleep to moisturize, firm and give your skin the vitamins it needs. Also, no matter what age, never leave the house with out SPF. Protecting our skin is crucial and even if it’s a rainy day the sun rays can still penetrate our skin, causing dryness, wrinkles and even cancer. Again with the moisturizer, I would suggest after every shower to use a body lotion with collagen in it. As you age, collagen starts breaking down in your body. This creates sagging skin, loss of elasticity, wrinkles and age spots. So find a lotion you like that has collagen as a main ingredient and put it on everyday, preferably after a shower when your skin is most able to absorb it.
For women specifically, don’t be scared to wear makeup! A lot of makeup products available right now look very natural and can even provide benefits to the skin. I use, and recommend it to EVERYONE, IT Cosmetics CC cream. It has SPF 50 built right into it so it saves time putting on sunscreen, it barley looks like you’re wearing foundation, and it is full of vitamins that are great for your skin. Another great product to give a little life to the face is a tinted lip moisturizer. The same as with our skin, our lips can age and get lines. They need moisture just like our skin does. Getting a lip moisturizer with SPF in it is a great purchase, and you can even get some that have a little pink or ruby tint to brighten up your face.
Hair: I know a lot of times when you have dementia your hair can be the last thing you are thinking of. For men, it’s important to keep up with a regular shampoo to keep the scalp healthy. You also need to be able to have a clean shave, whether you keep a beard or not, to keep your skin in check. They make at-home trimmers that you can use to cut ear, nose or any little unwanted hairs that pop up. It would be nice if you had someone to also shave your neck for you when you cannot.
Most women and men tend to lose some hair as they age. A good hair treatment is the Aveda Invati. They provide a line for women and a separate line for men. It is a three step system that can treat your hair follicles, allowing your hair to grow more and come in thicker. If you are a woman and don’t want to spend too much time on your hair (like a roller set) I think a nice clip to pull your hair out of your face, a scarf as a headband or a chignon are all great options. When it comes to coloring you hair, do it if you want to! I personally think silver hair is stunning on most people. My grandpop has the most beautiful white colored hair ever and I hope I get it some day. So whether you want to cover up some grays or rock your gray hair, you can still style it easily and quickly.
Most importantly, don’t forget to stay active and live your life to the fullest! Take care of your personal appearance and well-being and it will make you feel better overall. Here’s to wellness, health, beauty and kicking dementia in the butt 🙂
Sarah is a guest blogger for the DC, a lifestyle & beauty blogger, cosmetologist & cosmetology educator, read her blog My Little Chair here.
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