Welcome to blog posts about infant toys and dementia. This one’s 3 of 3 but I talk about different toys in 1 of 3 & 2 of 3. In this post I’ll be talking about comforters specifically, how they’re like fidget blankets and other dementia aids and why they’re great.
There’s something about dementia and fiddling of fidgeting, whichever term you’re used to. Being concerned with marks, dots or even smaller items … it could be lint on a sleeve or residue wrapping paper but whatever it is, there’s usually interest in it from a loved one with dementia. Anything sensory is necessary for anyone cognitively impaired and the same goes for those with dementia. The dementia aid depends on the stage of dementia a person has.
You can purchase dementia fiddle objects in the form of cubes or muffs or animals.
Regular comforters are also a hit. Here’s one I purchased from John Lewis.

Bright Starts Little Taggies Baby Blanket
I have also found them in Primark as well. They can be picked up for a few quid. Many have faces which often those with dementia need to read whether a situation is good or bad. This can be on a person’s face or a stuffed animal. Friendly faces, therefore, are really important. If someone doesn’t understand or can’t read a situation, then even the absence of a smile could make them think they’re in trouble. Smiling is paramount! You can learn more about this by becoming a Dementia Friend.

Primark Giraffe Comforter Blanket
These are easily washable which is great about them and soft to touch.
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