A recent newspaper story ran an article on: How to boost brain power.
Want to keep your memory as you grow older? Revealed, the 6 foods to boost your brain power
In the article, it was advised that we eat the following foods to keep a healthy brain:
Salmon, Pumpkin Seeds, Eggs, Seaweed, Dark Chocolate, Blueberries.
We think this is great advice. Healthy eating is always a good idea, after all, we are what we eat and Health is Wealth.
We wanted to “veganise” the options in that article though. So we started investigating.
Salmon – They say oily fishes are high in an omega-3 fatty acids called DHA.
So we researched other foods that also contain DHA.
Many say that the body creates DHA from Omega rich foods. These include:
Flax, Chia Seeds, Leefy Greens, Berries to name but a few: More here.
As we know, fish contains a lot of chemicals and pregnant women are often advised against eating it. (Further info here.)
Eggs, we are told offer the body Choline.
However, if you don’t have happy pet hens that naturally lay eggs, without the pressures of the egg industry or farming conditions, then where can you get Choline from?
Although eggs and meat tend to be the richest sources, it is found in a wide range of plant foods in small amounts. Eating a well- balanced vegan diet with plenty of whole foods should ensure you are getting enough choline. Soya milk, tofu, quinoa, and broccoli are particularly rich sources. (source: Google)
(Egg laying hens lay unfertilized eggs naturally, these are sold to humans to eat even under farmed conditions.)
(We recognize here that: some vegans may collect and eat naturally laid, unfertilized eggs, others believe in not consuming any animal product at all.)
We found some really tasty vegan dark chocolate options, listed below for your benefit:
- Cadbury Bournville
- Moo Free Chocolate
- Green and Blacks Cocoa Powder
Here’s a link to even more brands to keep an eye out for.
We’re happy we can eat for our health and maintain a cruelty free existence.
We would always recommend vegans taking supplements, multivitamins and a handy B12 spray, like the one above. We discussed the benefit of B12 in our post: The Dangers Of A Vitamin B12 Deficiency.
We hope you found this article helpful.
xx The DC.
[…] discussed previously on the blog, chocolate is known to increase brain power, & it is the high levels of flavanols in raw cocoa that provide this boost. It is recommended […]
[…] at the Dementia Cafe, we are passionate about eating food that’s good for us, making healthy choices and looking after ourselves both physically, and […]