Today, we’re lucky enough to be able to share with you our exclusive DC interview with Letoto, who runs letotoandtheraws, an amazing health, fitness, beauty and lifestyle blog in Miami, America. Not only is she a lovely person, her website also features delicious recipes, posts on life as a ‘green’ family and beautiful photos of her kids enjoying the Florida sunshine! She is also pretty active on Instagram and has not one, but two, YouTube channels so you should definitely check her out.
Here at the Dementia Cafe, we are passionate about eating food that’s good for us, making healthy choices and looking after ourselves both physically, and mentally. So who better than Letoto to talk plant-based diets without splashing the cash, or how to enjoy delicious, guilt-free treats without adding any artificial ‘extras.’
So without any further ado, it’s over to Leticia ‘Letoto‘ Gimeno! A huge thanks to her for taking part and we hope that you enjoy reading about her family’s way of life because we definitely did.
DC: Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed by the Dementia Café. Family life is obviously very important to you so how would you describe a typical day in your household?
Letoto: “We wake up and make our morning smoothie, it’s usually a green, veggie based one as we love greens and the morning is the best time to have them. Then we either go to playgroup, or the beach and enjoy sharing adventures together. We come home, have a healthy, refreshing lunch and while the kids nap I usually workout and do stuff that I couldn’t get done while they’re awake.
We’ll then have a fruit snack and go to the park, or pool to see our friends then it’s back home for baths and a lovely warm dinner as a family, then it’s time to sleep! Our days are pretty simple, but full of new adventures and discoveries – we love following a simple yet fulfilling lifestyle.

Photo Credit: Letoto
DC: What advice would you give someone wanting to follow a plant-based diet?
Letoto: “I would tell them to take it one day at a time, to enjoy the new flavours and really experiment with a new way of eating. It’s not just about being healthy, having more energy it’s also a great chance to learn a new way of cooking.”
DC: When did you first start eating healthily? What’s your favourite ‘treat’ item to eat?
Letoto: “We have always been a very healthy family. In Spain and Mexico food tends to be healthier because they have less manufactured products available. Food comes directly from the earth and undergoes little alteration. When we moved to the U.S. I started taking things really seriously because of the hormones they put in food, especially meat and decided to remove those from our diet.
My favourite treat is french fries (chips) I know they shouldn’t be but they are! I do try not to make them at home too often, and if we do have them they’re always baked. It’s about balance and only eating those foods once in awhile-a few fries occasionally isn’t too bad.”

Photo Credit: Letoto
Letoto: “The best thing is how great you feel! How you can energise your body with every meal- when your food is your medicine you always feel good.”
DC: Are your children allowed to eat different foods elsewhere? Such as at a friend’s house or on special occasions?
Letoto: “Yes, they are, as my children are the ones who have to choose the lifestyle that they want to follow. My boys tend to stick to healthy options but my girl, well she’s almost a teenager and just wants to have fun so she doesn’t think too much about what she’s eating when she’s having fun. It’s fine with me because I know that she eats healthy most of the time at home and again balance is the key!”

Photo Credit: Letoto
DC: How do you feel about the obesity crisis in developed countries like America and the UK?
Letoto: “It makes me sad because we have lost the real meaning, and sense of what food’s about. Before, everyone used to cook at home for their families, it was actually a daily tradition to eat with your loved ones and share in the goodness of food and now that’s lost… Everyone is always in a hurry and we have no time for ( eating together) that anymore. It’s why at home it’s an obligation to eat together and cook every day. I want my kids to love that as much as we do and I want them to appreciate cooking and be involved in the whole process.”
DC: There’s been a lot written about RAW foods recently. Often celebrities talk about raw food diets or micro-biotic ones which include expensive ingredients. How accessible is this type of diet?
Letoto: “I think that every diet is accessible if you really want to follow it! However, I don’t believe in miracle diets because I think looking good is a daily task but if you follow a diet for a long time then it tends to work. It is true many diets involve expensive ingredients but there are ways to find those less expensive ones or substitute for others that will work just as well.”
DC: Do you think there should be more yoga for kid’s classes? In light of research that shows teens experience stress because of pressure to fit in with their peers.
Letoto: “Definitely. I think yoga should be in kids lives from the moment they’re able to start practising it! It’s such great exercise for both the body and mind and schools should have yoga lessons in their PE schedules.”

Photo Credit: Letoto
DC: How do your kids handle being prominent on social media? For instance, are there lots of moments that don’t make it ‘on screen?’
Letoto: “My kids are fine with it. I love taking pictures ( frustrated photographer) so they’re used to me taking photos of them. When they don’t want to I don’t force them, it’s something that’s fun for all of us so when it isn’t any more we stop filming/taking pictures. My girl doesn’t really like it that much so she only appears when she’s in the mood which is fine with me.”

Photo Credit: Letoto
DC: In one of your recent blog posts you talk about the benefits of life coaching. What are some of your goals for the future when it comes to your website/brand?
Letoto:“I just want to show easy ways to be healthier and lead a simple, normal lifestyle for those willing to start taking more care of themselves, and the people they care about. I love promoting the family lifestyle and to share the joy of living, my main goal is to always be on that path while spreading love and smiles!!”

Photo Credit: Letoto
Thanks so much for talking to us Letoto it’s been a real pleasure!
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