Welcome to the Dementia Cafe. 850,000 people are living with dementia in the UK
today. We are here for those with dementia, for those who care for someone with dementia and for those who just care, let’s unite.
Welcome to the Dementia Cafe
The word dementia describes a set of symptoms that may include memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language.
Dementia is caused when the brain is damaged by diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease or a series of strokes. Dementia is progressive, which means the symptoms will gradually get
Our goal is to build a purpose built Dementia Cafe that is free for those with dementia to use. The cafe will also be for friends and family
of those with dementia and extends to the community to offer I.T courses as well. We welcome anyone in the community who would like to get involved. Mi Casa Es Su Casa!
We want to bring tasty, healthy plant based products to the cafe with our food and beverage offerings. We are passionate about healthy foods
that do not contain the bad bits. Dementia affects brain cells, it is vital to us that we offer the healthiest options for those with dementia and the most nutrient rich options.
At the Dementia Cafe, we love animals! Animals, it has been shown in studies, promote social interaction among people, reduce stress and
offer comfort to those with dementia as well as those without. We aim to re-home a pig at the cafe. Pigs are highly intelligent animals and interact really well with people.
Our team are devoted to delivering our promise at the cafe. Social interaction for all, a judgement free environment, cruelty free, healthy
and a fun place to join together and understand dementia. Based in London.
We want to offer I.T courses for senior generations who may not be computer proficient and ‘Learn to Code’ courses for the little ones, to
give them a great start in 2016.
We are always fundraising for the cafe…keep a keen eye on our events to stay up to date with what we’re doing next! Perhaps you’d like to
get involved? Run a race or host a bake sale. Every little helps.
The Dementia Cafe is recognised by the following: