The Irish Pavillion present a new exhibition named: “Losing Myself” by architects Niall McLaughlin and Yeoryia Manolopoulou. If you’re in the area, definitely worth a look, we think.
Read all about the exhibition here.
Interesting is the matrimony of architecture and dementia. Here at the DC we have long been beating on our drum about the need for architecture to embrace dementia spaces and vice versa. Purpose-built is basically our middle name.
The exhibition looks to be a fantastic leap forward in the recognition of all that joins these two worlds together and we applaud it. Couple this with our newly acquired dementia facts from our Virtual Dementia Tour Experience that we chatted about in our post: Dementia -Essential Info & Our Virtual Dementia Tour Experience and hey presto you’ve got a gap in the care market for dementia…so you’ve got the Dementia Cafe’s initiative. (Grin.) We continue to raise funds and remain dedicated to the cause to bring this concept to life.
In time we will beat dementia, for now we can build a great cafe and comfort those who await a cure.
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