Today on the DC blog we’re talking all about relaxation, traveling and how to keep your spirits up in between those wonderful trips away. To that end we’ve been lucky enough to secure an interview with Michelle Blair, an amazing travel blogger and social media influencer, who writes about her adventures on her very stylish website.

Rome – Photo Credit: Michelle Blair
DC: Hello Michelle and thanks so much for joining us today it’s a pleasure to talk to you!
Michelle Blair: “Hello Dementia Cafe! So excited to take this little journey with you and your readers. I hope I can push more people to let down their guard and start exploring the unknown.”

Belize – Photo Credit: Michelle Blair
DC: We all know that relaxing is vital for our mental health. How do you choose to unwind when not globe trotting?
MB: “My favorite thing to do when I get home from traveling is by far getting a facial. All the airplanes, weather changes and pollution that my body isn’t used to tend to dry out my skin; so getting a facial to mediate everything makes me feel relaxed and at home.”

Flying Over Belize – Photo Credit: Michelle Blair
DC: Research has shown that for 70 % of people just booking a holiday improves their mood, to the point that it’s almost as good as the holiday. Do you enjoy the process i.e. making travel arrangements, packing and, of course, flying?
MB: “I actually don’t love every aspect about it. Especially if I am doing more than one country at a time. It can get a bit overwhelming figuring out all the dates / time difference. Ah no, I definitely don’t enjoy packing. Trying to pair outfits for the ‘gram’ and blog to go with places you have yet to travel to is not easy ha ha, but yes I love the flying part – mostly take off and touchdown though. If that counts.”

Rome – Photo Credit: Michelle Blair
DC: What’s the best place you have travelled to so far and why?
MB: “Belize! It’s such a beautiful place. Whether you’re in the jungle or on a little island, there is always something amazing to see and do. I took my first diving experience in Belize and it’s a memory I will smile about for the rest of my life and a huge growing experience.”
DC: They say that travel broadens the mind. Do you agree with this statement and if so what are the three most important things have you learned from travelling?
MB: ” Yes, Yes and Yes. I agree with this so much. Before I traveled I will say I was close minded. I feared the unknown, but when you finally take your first trip you experience everything to a tee. I learned that getting lost is sometimes a good thing, that we can learn something from every culture and that being grateful for the little things will make you an altogether more humble person.”

Paris – Photo Credit: Michelle Blair
DC: For you what’s the best way to make sure your body / mind stays healthy while travelling?
MB: “Research, I always research a country before I go. This research expands from there water, areas, food, activities, people. I then base all these things on what’s “acceptable” and what’s not. It gives me peace of mind knowing these things and makes the whole trip much smoother.”
DC: Have you ever had a negative experience while on holiday? How did you handle it and looking back would you have done anything different?
MB: I wouldn’t say a negative experience but I got stranded in a town once. Who would of thought Uber would take you from one town but not be in another?? (advice: make sure there is an Uber to bring you back.)

Paris – Photo Credit: Michelle Blair
DC: Do you have a favourite travel blogger, website or magazine? What do you think makes for an interesting travel blog or vlog?
MB: “hmm I have a couple. @helenowen , @gypsealust , @travel_inhershoes : What I love about these ladies is the work they put into their photography / outfits / locations / editing. I don’t think people really understand how much work goes into what’s shown to them.”
DC: If you could travel with anyone who would it be?
MB: “I have two people that I love traveling with. Rémi Mayer is my best friend. He’s the reason I started to travel. Opened my mind to a whole new world of possibilities and pushed me way outside my comfort zone each time. There’s something beautiful about traveling with someone you love. My next best traveling companion is my cousin Dee Ficke. She’s a little firecracker and we laugh about anything and everything.”

Diving In Belize- Photo Credit: Michelle Blair
DC: Do you have a travel bucket list? If so what are the places you want to see and why?
MB: “I think this is the hardest question for a travel blogger because I want to go everywhere! But to name a few. Bahamas, since I really want to visit Exumas and swim with the pigs and lemon sharks. Also Iceland for the glaciers and the blue lagoon.”
DC: Do you believe that social media has helped make travelling more popular? I.e. We’re able to share more pics / video than ever before.
MB: “Yes, definitely. People have always traveled but now people that have yet get to see what is really out there. Giving everyone this urge to explore the unknown.”

Photo Credit: Michelle Blair
DC: What are your top tips for solo travellers?
MB: “Meet people! There are so many apps nowadays where you really don’t have to be alone unless you choose too. Plus going off on your own you meet so many different people. So just get out, don’t be scared.”
DC: As we’re the Dementia Cafe if I said that you could only remember three travel related experiences what would you choose to keep?
MB: “Diving the ocean floors of Belize, Camel riding through the Sahara desert (even though they aren’t the comfiest camels in the world) and dining inside the amazing Eiffel Tower!”

Paris – Photo Credit: Michelle Blair
Thanks so much Michelle.
If any of our readers have been inspired by her travel tales why don’t you drop us a line as we’d love to hear from you!
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